I received an email last year from Ray Boland, a marine biologist who works for N.O.A.A. in Hawaii who said he knew where one of my dad's ships was. He found me through my earlier blog entry about visiting the U.S.S. Hazard minesweeper in Omaha. He told me about an artificial reef off Oahu called the "Mahi" that used to be a Navy minesweeper and it was the Scrimmage. It is a diveable wreck and Ray offered to take us for a visit. We went on Monday after the Sony and were joined by Ray's colleague Hans Van Tilburg who is a maritime heritage coordinator and very knowledegeable of the wreck.
It was a great dive even though the visibility was poor. The wreck is starting to deteriorate and it's not safe to penetrate, but it was still awesome to swim over the decks my dad once walked wearing the mantle of command.
Here is a dive card of the wreck in it's current state

Lieutenant Commander Richard C. Condon