The Liberty Mutual Legends of Golf is one of my favorite tournaments. It's a team competition and different than the regular stroke-play events we have week-to-week.
A few locals checked out the action.
It's a fun week because the players (No pun intended) are really fan-friendly and interact a lot with the galleries.
Wynona Judd performed at the Pro-Am awards dinner. She put on a great show and her backing band was great.
A side stage view of her teleprompter which displayed song lyrics.
The bridge to Hutchinson island is a major landmark to the people of Savannah.
Volunteers work the summary board on #18.
I set up a remote on the 18th green TV tower. JR supervises and makes sure that he gets my cameras if I fall!
The final result.
To the victors go the spoils. Congrats Tom and Berhnhard!